You’ve Got Like a Gazillion Pumpkins Here, Don’tcha?

Can you imagine? We are mid-way through Papa’s 2013 season and we have unloaded over 250,000 pounds of pumpkins! WHEW!!!

jody unloading pumpkinsIt’s the height of the season and so truck loads of pumpkins that need to be unloaded one at a time (about 1,000 per trailer) are coming in almost daily. There are also pallets of the smaller variety of pumpkins, squash and gourds — usually 12-16 pallets in a load and up to 250 pumpkins or squash in each pallet.

As one young visitor recently said, “You’ve got like a gazillion pumpkins here, don’tcha?”

It’s not a gazillion but suffice it to say, there is lots of variety and more coming each week. (We expect another 50,000 pounds before the weekend!)

Hope to see you soon,


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